Choose the best transport way to travel in and around Barcelona city.

When arriving to Barcelona city is always important to have a trustworthy transportation to your hotel or flat. There’s nothing worse than arriving in a new city and not being able to get from place to place. Instead of trying to do it alone and fussing with public transport or trying to communicate with a taxi driver.

BarcelonaTours offer some of the best private and group transfers, private car rental for executives or even an one-hour Party Bus, an excellent way to combine the classic sightseeing bus tour with a fun and lively environment .

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Barcelona Party Bus

A one-hour Party Bus tour is a great way to see the sights of Barcelona in a lively atmosphere.

Private Car Transfer

Travel around in style in a private car in Barcelona.

Transfers for Groups in Barcelona

Private, air-conditioned transfers are the best way to travel in and around Barcelona city.